Our Purebred Mares

Pictured above are four of our imported Irish Draught mares, all of which have been imported from either Ireland or Australia and have the best of bloodlines available Worldwide and are all outcrosses to our resident Irish Draught stallions in New Zealand. L to R - Tarahill Kulzari (Branigans Pride), Richmondlea Delia (Crosstown Dancer), Tullows Trevalda Dream (Conqueror King) and Kilconnell Go Free (Gortfree Hero).

Richmondlea Delia is one of our fabulous foundation mares and has proven to cross brilliantly thus far with Ballineen Blue Mountain. Delia is a superbly bred mare and has been the foundation mare for Tullow Stud (Chris and Sue Tufnell) in Australia since they imported her from Ireland. Born in 2002, Delia is by Crosstown Dancer (Grade A Showjumping Gold Merit stallion) and is out of Richmondlea Dara (A Premium status mare by Mountain Pearl). Delia was placed as a foal at the Royal Dublin Show and since arriving in Australia has won Supreme Champion Irish Exhibit at the Royal Melbourne Show. Delia is registered with both the Irish Draught Horse Society of New Zealand and Australia. Delia arrived at Trevalda in 2014. Delia and Ballineen Blue Mountain produce the best babies! I have retained her first colt (now gelding) Trevalda Mountain Dancer and she is also Mum to Trevalda Mountain Delight, Trevalda Mountain Darragh, Trevalda Mountain Damask and Trevalda Mountain Duke.

Tullows Trevalda Dream (Tommi) pictured above as a two year old filly by Australia's leading sire of eventers, Conqueror King (RID). Tommi's dam is Richmondlea Delia. We purchased Tommi from Chris & Sue Tuffnell from The Tullows Stud in Australia and imported her in 2014. Tommi has had many lovely foals already to Ballineen Blue Mountain, Trevalda Mountain King, Trevalda Mountain Mist, Trevalda Mountain Shadow, Trevalda Mountain Striker and Trevalda Mountain Lord. The latter two have been kept entire with Striker standing in Gisborne and Lord in Australia.

Kilharken Heather (Keeley) is by Kiltoghert Casey and out of Suma's Harkaway. Keeley has a full brother standing at Stud in Australia (Kilharken). Keeley is everybodies favourite who visits the Stud and after two seasons of failed attempts to breed her, we were so excited to announce that she was in foal to Ballineen Blue Mountain at Xmas 2015. Keeley is registered with both the Irish Draught Horse Society of New Zealand and Australia. Keeley has produced 3 colts by Ballineen Blue Mountain. The first one was bred by Karen Evans who is sadly deceased after being struck by lightning, and she has two surviving sons (both entire), Trevalda Mountain Eire and Trevalda Mountain Rebel. Keeley sadly passed away in 2019 aged 22yrs.

Tarahill Kulzari. Zari is an Irish Sport Horse by Branigan's Pride (RID) and out of a TB mare, High Society. Zari was bred by The South Australian Police Force. Both Keeley and Zari were imported into New Zealand by Karen Evans and when Karen returned to Australia I was very fortunate to be able to purchase them both. Tarahill Kulzari is the mother of the highly decorated Trevalda Mountain Storm, Trevalda Mountain Breeze and laterly Trevalda Mountain Frost and Trevalda Mountain Jewel (retained by us).

Regann's Amber Rose. Rosie is by Coalmans Touch (Touch of The Blues) and is out of Eireann Regann, a mare bred by Thady & Anne Ryan out of the mare Thady bought over from Ireland with him named Kilmanagh Banrion. Eireann Regann caries the famous lines of Kings County, Holy Cross and King of Diamonds.
Rosie was bred in 2005 and has been a Pony Club mount up until we purchased her. Being a maiden mare, we sent her to Wai-Eyre Stud in Canterbury to get in foal and we are very pleased that she produced a super filly by Ballineen Blue Mountain - Trevalda Mountain Spice and in 2021, a colt - Trevalda Mountain Touch.

In 2020 we made the huge decision to import a new filly from Ireland. I felt that we really needed to expand the bloodlines here in New Zealand to secure the future of the breed. I searched high and low as to what was available in the UK and manged to find the perfect filly who couldn't have been more further away if she tried! Kilconnell Go Free was at the Penann's Stud in Northern Ireland and although not originally for sale, her lovely owner Penny Campbell could see the worth of what I was trying to do here and totally understood that I needed to import the very best that I possibly could to make it all worthwhile.
Kilconnell Go Free (Elsa) is by the tremendous stallion, Gortfree Hero who has won the stallion class at Dublin Royal Show three times and whom is also a Grade A showjumper and whom I have long admired. She is out of the well bred mare, Kilconnell Star who is by Donovan. Elsa is 3yrs old and just before she left for NZ she went through the Horse Sports Ireland classification process and gained her Class 1 status (not easily attained by a 3yr old). This just confirmed that she was the quality I was looking for. Elsa is a huge girl, already over 17hh and I couldn't have been more happy with her upon arrival. She has amazing presence and her temperament is to die for. She is just the sweetest big girl.
Kilconnell Go Free pictured above as a 3yr old shortly after her arrival. In 2021 Elsa produced us a super, huge filly we called Trevalda Mountain Free.

In Winter of 2022 we were honoured to be offered the opportunity to purchase two imported Irish Draught mares.
These two mares had been imported by a good friend of the Stud, Tamzin Paterson. Tamzin had previously bought young horses from us and wanted to support what we were doing by importing new mares to increase the gene pool. Both mares since, have produced super young horses to Ballineen Blue Mountain, but with a change in Tamzin's circumstances she kindly offered the mares to us.
Goldsmith Country Ma Belle (Mabel) pictured above is by the Class 1 stallion Scrapman (exported to Mexico) who is by Crosstown Dancer. Ma Belle is a full sister to the young stallion Scrapboy who was recently given Class 1 in Ireland.
Ma Belle was a prolific show winner in Ireland, including many Supreme Championships and twice being placed in the mare class at Dublin Royal Show.
Mabel has a lovely temperament, lots of presence and one of those mares that you could just watch all day in the paddock. We have retained her Ballineen Blue Mountain filly from last season.
Pictured above is the 2nd of our newly obtained mares, Goldsmith Country Mon Cherie (Cherie).
Cherie is by the Class 1 stallion, Clewbay Bouncer. Cherie has also been shown with great success in Ireland and has also proven a fabulous cross to Ballineen Blue Mountain. Cherie is in foal to him again and due at Xmas 2022.